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Who are the Top 10 BEST Distributors from 2024?

Every year, Starnet’s mandatory Preferred Vendor Survey uncovers the secrets behind member satisfaction with our vendor partners. The results are in, and once again, Starnet members are thrilled with their interactions, especially with those who master the art of distribution channel management. Our members rave about the flawless movement of products from manufacturing plants to local regions and the exceptional support from distributors, including sales and marketing resources, logistics, training, and more.

Understanding the vital role of distribution in our members’ success, Starnet conducted an in-depth survey to dive into the dynamics of the distribution channel. This survey evaluated the overall value of the distribution channel, pinpointed key qualities distributors should focus on to win business, and spotlighted the top-performing distributors.

133 Starnet members shared their experiences with 76 distributors across the United States and Canada. Distributors were rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 representing excellence. The overall results revealed an average rating of 3.51.

And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for! We proudly present the top 10 performing distributors, along with their stellar ratings!

1T & A Supply4.31
3L. Fishman & Son4.23
5Professional Flooring Supply4.00
6C&C Wholesale Distributors3.94
7Tom Duffy/BR Funsten3.93
8Michael Halebian & Co. Inc.3.92
8Hank’s Specialties3.92
10Virginia Tile3.89

Thank you for your ongoing partnership and commitment to excellence.